Monday, August 25, 2008

Planned Parenthood at the Convention

Disgusting, but what can be expected from Planned Parenthood?

Condoms a hit at convention
By Rachelle Cohen / Convention Notebook
Monday, August 25, 2008 - Updated 11h ago

DENVER – Forget the T-shirts and the Obama buttons, the convention souvenir to score (dreadful pun intended) come courtesty of Angus McQuillken, vice president for public affairs of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.

It’s a condom wrapped in a bright magenta matchbook cover that says, “PROTECT YOURSELF FROM JOHN MCCAIN (in this election).”

Actually there’s a series of 10 -- because there are “10 things everyone should know about John McCain” says Planned Parenthood. So delegates may want to collect them like playing cards -- you know, trade them with your friends, etc. Number 8 happens to want that McCain “wants to nominate Supreme Court justices who are ‘clones’ of conservative justices Alito and Roberts.”


1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Please tell me you're joking. PLEASE!

About Me

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Catholic and politically conservative, I graduated with a BA in History (concentration in American) and Political Science. I'm between two parishes; one in Wisconsin that is fairly traditional, and one in Illinois that is fairly liberal. I teach CCD. I work in the food service industry, which basically means I'm working in fast food until I find a better job. I'd like to work for the church somehow. Right now I'm working on getting my teaching certification, although I'm unsure thats the correct path for me. This blog is as random as I am. I hope you enjoy.