I was sitting out in front of the main building on campus this afternoon (I'm the little red dot) listening to the hum of traffic, the cooing of morning doves. I looked down to play with my phone when I heard shouting. I looked up to see 3 doe run past some ladies into the practice soccer field.
There is usually quite a bit of animal activity on campus (well quite a bit compared to what I usually see just a few miles away at home), squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks. Actually just yesterday I was walking between buildings and I saw a chubby bunny sitting motionless in the grass with the "oh man, I hope she doesn't see me" look. And I've seen lots of deer in the forest preserve to and from campus. But I've never seen them running through before.
I hope they get turned around and back to the woods, there is nothing for them the way they were going.
The map includes the probable course from which the deer came.
Under the heading of 'It's a really small world'.
I went to school there! Both undergrad and grad school. It was strange as I looked at the picture and thought... that looks mighty familiar.
I have been reading you for a while - I think I got the link from Ma Beck (who is one of my best friends) and I always vaguely knew you lived in the area... but I didn't know so close!
Now I'm going to have 'its a small world after all' in my head. ;)
Was it as crazy of a place then as it is now?
Umm... if by crazy you mean liberal and heterodox. Then yes, I can tell you some stories.
I was very politically conservative and I would push against the liberals a bit. As a business Major though it wasn't bad.
I was also effectively an atheist so I was able to ignore most of the heterodoxy. I will say the fact that I am Catholic today is in spite of that particular band of OP's.
I am sure if they knew I attend St. John Cantius they would be quite horrified.
LOL. We should swap stories sometime.
They seem to get in trouble every couple years from the archdiocese because they pass out condoms from health services. They cut it out for a year or two then star up again.
When I was there a pro life group started. The school was opposed to the idea to the extent that the pro-life students had to go to the Cardinal for support.
Let's just say that any time where Cardinal Bernadine is the 'conservative' on the equation is a bad situation.
I have some more stories. Though I will say this... at least they didn't 'wreckovate' the chapel until after I left. When i was there there were beautiful hand carved pews and choir stalls in the back. All gone now sadly.
I live just a few miles away - we should get together and compare stories some time!
We might be neighbors. LOL.
Last summer I posted pics on phatmass from after that huge storm in August (http://catholicgop.blogspot.com/2007/08/assessing-damage.html) , and one of the posters recognized the places in the pics and told me he goes to St. William. It really is a small world.
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