James at A Catholic Teen's Thoughts tagged me for this meme, huzzah! The hard part is coming up with 10 interesting things about me. Let me see...
1. I graduated in January with my degree in History (American) and Political Science. I decided on History as my major at the end of my junior year, and only registered Political Science right before my last semester.
2. I buy lots and lots of books and I never seem to have time to read them. Well, I buy DVDs and I never watch them too, so that seems to be a character flaw that goes beyond just books.
3. I work at Quiznos, but before starting work there I only ate there once and got sick afterwards. Now I just adore their sandwiches.
4. For some reason I'm addicted to the Zatoichi movies. I've seen at least 10 of them, I own 3, and I'm looking forward to renting the rest of them.
5. A couple months ago I bought the Bible Game for the Xbox mostly as a joke, but its actually a fun game.
6. Every time I find one of those bicentennial quarters I keep them. I don't know why but I love them. I don't have that many... 14 I think.
7. My favorite flavor of pop (soda) is Orange.
8. I have a decent sized collection of stuffed animals, especially elephants. A good part of that collection is really horrible (I mean ones that don't make a lot of sense) stuffed animals that I won from various claw machines.
9. I collect sea glass and have a pretty big vase full of the stuff. I want to make jewelry out of some of it although I'm not sure how.
10. I'm hopelessly addicted to Kingdom of Loathing, which is full of crude innuendos and the like, but it provided me with something to do when I was at work with nothing to do.
I tag anyone who wants to fill this out.
American Idol - BLAKE *heart* I'm completely surprised that Melinda is gone though.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
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About Me

- catholicandgop
- Catholic and politically conservative, I graduated with a BA in History (concentration in American) and Political Science. I'm between two parishes; one in Wisconsin that is fairly traditional, and one in Illinois that is fairly liberal. I teach CCD. I work in the food service industry, which basically means I'm working in fast food until I find a better job. I'd like to work for the church somehow. Right now I'm working on getting my teaching certification, although I'm unsure thats the correct path for me. This blog is as random as I am. I hope you enjoy.
what do you do now? go on for a double-major w/ the political science?
thinking about it? hmmmm?
Now I'm looking at grad school for teaching.
Thanks for participating!
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