Most dread public speaking and confrontation even more than having a dentist work on their teeth while flying in a snake-infested airplane.

How could I not think of that?
I did see SOAP Thursday night/Friday morning at the midnight showing. I enjoyed it, although it was very graphic. Not for the kiddies folks.
I start classes again in a week and a half, and I'm really not looking forward to it. My last semester. I graduate and then I'm like an adult or something silly like that. I think in my mind I still think of myself as 'highschool student'... I guess that means I have a lot of catching up to do. My sister is starting high school tomorrow. I hated my time at high school, but I wish I could go back and do it over again. At the very least I wish I had done my homework and not failed freshman biology.
I want to know why your updates aren't showing up.
BTW, that CD sounds great! I wonder if the director of HRTL has it. He's not Catholic but I'm sure that doesn't matter.
I wonder why too. Its weird, I see everyone else's update on bloglines.
Oh well...BTW, did you see the latest from HLI about Pres. Bush okaying OTC abortion pill?
I have, and I was just reading Curt Jester's post on it too. I'm very disappointed.
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